in situ Workshop, Summer 2021.

Infill Agriculture identifies food insecurity as a primary stressor plaguing many Southern cities, a fact that was apparent in several neighborhoods surrounding downtown Raleigh. While the USDA defines food insecurity as the lack of access to food, workshop participants supplemented this definition with additional research to identify specific neighborhoods of Raleigh that lack access to food of nutritional value and quality.

Participants proposed an infrastructural network of urban farms and gardens that would provide access to pure food resources, city amenities, and opportunities for economic growth within neighborhoods. The nodes, scalable to three tiers, supplement existing food programs already partnered with communities. The modular nature of the program considers neighborhood needs and, as needed, additional program for community use.

All images are group effort, with personal contributions heavily in the first, third, fifth left images, as well as programmatic organization diagrams.


Urban Attraction